KMC Technologies - ABOUT US

KMC Technologies Ltd. has been established to provide expert professional consulting services in various technology fields. We operate primarily in Israel, Greece and Cyprus for large customers from various industries such as telecommunications, high-tech, government, financial institutions and service providers.

The company currently has two main divisions: 
•    IT consulting services (deals mainly with Network and Systems management)
•    IT Training 


Rudolf Korolevski has over 45 years of experience in the field of advanced solutions for the transportation industry, specifically in advanced tire technologies. Mr. Korolevski has established KMC Technologies after many years at the Israeli MOD. He holds a Masters degree in mechanical engineering and numerous certifications from companies such as Michelin, France and Goodyear, USA.
Additionally, Mr. R. Korolevski has been for many years an active chairman of several standard committees at the Israeli Institute of Standards.

Managing Director
Yigal Korolevski has over 20 years experience in all the aspects of managing and running data communications networks. Mr. Y. Korolevski was the Co-founder, Vice President and CTO of Selis Networks, a start-up that developed a high-profile network management platform. During 2001, he was the Chairman of the Best Practices Committee of the MSP Association. Prior to founding Selis, he served at Elron Software as a network management consultant for a number of networking companies 

 Additionally, Mr. Korolevski was a senior network analyst at Netcom Systems, where he worked on networking projects for an Israeli cellular provider and supported the sales department in expert network consulting services to strategic customers. In addition, Mr. Korolevski was a software development engineer in 3Com’s Network Management Division, a software test engineer at Chipcom and a software test and customer support engineer at RND (RAD Group).

Contact us:  

Please send us a message via and we will get back to you shortly.

Mail address: 
POB 15022, Rishon Le Zion
Israel, 75050 


KMC Technologies © 2007-2025 -  All rights reserved